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Get One-on-One Coaching

Looking for additional one-on-one help to guide you through the Pain to Purpose pathway? We have 30 Certified Coaches who specialize in different areas of pain and trauma. Find out more about Pain to Purpose Coaching and how it can help you as you partner with God to take back your story.





Start with the intro video before moving on to the individual trail markers.



Trail Marker 1

In this Trail Marker we’ll begin sorting through the debris of your personal trauma, tragedy, or major life transition. We’ll learn how to process all of the emotions well and heal from the fresh wounds that can be overwhelmingly complex.



Trail Marker 2

In this Trail Marker we’ll begin rebuilding the structure of your life. If we are going to not just survive but thrive in the midst of this and future storms, we will need to have a solid foundation on which to build. For some, this will mean laying a new foundation for your life and for your family.



Trail Marker 3

In this Trail Marker we’ll learn how to live and move forward with purpose. We’ll discover that God has quite a bit He wants to teach us as we navigate our valleys and we’ll learn the keys to discovering how—through this trial—He wants to ratchet up your impact in the world.
